commodity rate

commodity rate
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Англо-русский словарь по авиации. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "commodity rate" в других словарях:

  • commodity rate — With reference to railroads, a rate which applies to a specific commodity alone; distinguished from a class rate , meaning a single rate which applies to a number of articles of the same general character …   Black's law dictionary

  • commodity rate — With reference to railroads, a rate which applies to a specific commodity alone; distinguished from a class rate , meaning a single rate which applies to a number of articles of the same general character …   Black's law dictionary

  • commodity rate — A freight rate which applies to one specific commodity alone, as distinguished from a class rate which applies to a number of articles of the same general character. Norfolk Southern Railroad Co. 145 Va 207, 133 SE 817 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • commodity rate — noun : a common carrier rate distinguished from a class rate and applicable only to a specific commodity or group of related commodities carried between specific points or territories …   Useful english dictionary

  • all-commodity rate — noun : a freight rate applied to all goods in a particular shipment regardless of particular classifications …   Useful english dictionary

  • rate — Proportional or relative value, measure, or degree. The proportion or standard by which quantity or .value is adjusted. Thus, the rate of interest is the proportion or ratio between the principal and interest; the buildings in a town are rated… …   Black's law dictionary

  • rate — n 1: a fixed ratio between two things 2: a charge, payment, or price fixed according to a ratio, scale, or standard: as a: a charge per unit of a commodity provided by a public utility b: a charge per unit of freight or passenger service see also …   Law dictionary

  • rate — rate1 [rāt] n. [OFr < L rata (pars), reckoned (part), fem. of ratus, pp. of reri, to reckon < IE * rē , var. of base * ar , to fit, join > ART1, ORDER] 1. the amount, degree, etc. of anything in relation to units of something else [the… …   English World dictionary

  • Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 — The Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 (CFMA) is United States federal legislation that officially ensured the deregulation of financial products known as over the counter derivatives. It was signed into law on December 21, 2000 by… …   Wikipedia

  • commodity trade — ▪ economics Introduction       the international trade in primary goods. Such goods are raw or partly refined materials whose value mainly reflects the costs of finding, gathering, or harvesting them; they are traded for processing or… …   Universalium

  • Commodity currency — Foreign exchange Exchange rates Currency band Exchange rate Exchange rate regime Exchange rate flexibility Dollarization Fixed exchange rate Floating exchange rate Linked exchange rate Managed float regime Markets Foreign exchange market Futures… …   Wikipedia

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